Freeze Enemy

Take a picture or if you do not have a picture, a piece of paper and write their name on it. Place it between the palms of your hands like you are praying. Close your eyes and visualize this person or just 'think' them into the paper. Place it in a freezer bag with some water. Chant their name and the intention that they  be frozen or bound and that they may be led away and repelled from you.

Place it in the freezer until it is resolved.

Right Relationship Spell

"Where your pleasure is, there is your treasure: where your treasure, there
your heart; where your heart, there your happiness." Saint Augustine

I've finally had a moment to sit down and share with you all this spell that is like most of the spells in the "spells & rituals" category, a Rue Original. Others and myself have had success with this method. Remember to cast this spell on a New Moon.

On a slip of paper write the following:

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An Enquiry into the Taboos Surrounding Woman's Cycle

You may be wondering what the article below has to do with stregoneria? Read on. ~Rue


An Enquiry into the Taboos Surrounding Woman's Cycle

"Spiritual, consecrated, wonderful, incomprehensible; said also of women at the menstrual period". This is an American Indian definition of tabu, itself a word derived from the Polynesian, and the basic form of the more common English spelling, taboo. And its original form? Robert Briffault suggests it is closely allied to tupua, which means menstruation. Further, another Polynesian word, atus, also applied to menstruation, translated to mean God, and certainly refers to all spirits and supernatural phenomena.

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Leggenda di Benevento


La leggenda delle streghe di Benevento risale al lontano VII secolo d.C. quando, all'epoca del duca Romualdo, i Longobardi adoravano una vipera d'oro e celebravano degli strani rituali intorno ad un albero di noce che, secondo la leggenda e, addirittura, le testimonianze di alcune streghe, era sempre verde e sorgeva in un luogo detto "ripa delle janare", lungo il fiume Sabato.

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