Orange Almond Biscotti
/This my recipe and it makes beautiful, dense, biscotti that withstand the hottest espresso.
This my recipe and it makes beautiful, dense, biscotti that withstand the hottest espresso.
This is my recipe. That is, it was handed down to me and I modified/tweaked it until it rendered my desired result. It lists provolone as an ingredient. I admit to not being a fan of provolone and prefer to substitute with a mild table pecorino instead. I've used Friulano in a pinch too. ~Rue
This was the best English language recipe I could find. The pic is from and there are really great recipes there in Italian. ~Rue
This recipe is outstanding! I would make these more often if I had the time. They take some time and planning but they are oh so worth it. This is a traditional Sicilian cookie recipe given to me by my beautiful and dear friend Buona. ~Rue
I don't remember who sent me this recipe. It was a long, long, long time ago. Thank you! ~Rue
* 7 cups flour
* 6 tsp. baking powder
* 1-1/2 cups butter
* 1-1/2 cups sugar
* 6 eggs
* 1 large eating orange and the grated rind
* 1/2 cup orange juice
Cream butter and sugar together. Add eggs, rind and orange juice using electric mixer. With a wooden spoon, add flour and baking powder (that has been sifted together) a little at a time until it is all mixed well. Knead about two minutes. The dough will be soft.
Take a piece of dough the size of a golf ball and roll into a 2 or 3" tube or rope-like shape . Shape this rope into an "S" or circle. Place on a cookie sheet about 1-1/2" apart. Bake at 400 degrees 8 minutes on the middle shelf of the oven and about 4 minutes on the top shelf. Frost with thin frosting.
Note: For vanilla flavor, omit the orange rind and juice and substitute 2 tbs. Vanilla and 1/2 cup milk.
This same recipe using the vanilla and milk and 4 tsp. of baking powder instead of 6, can be used to make a filled cookie, kinda like a half round shape/crescent shape and filled with the following:
* 1-1/2 boxes raisins (15 oz. size)
* 1 pkg. dry figs on string
* 1/2 lb. almonds (roasted)
* 1/2 lb. walnuts (roasted)
* 1 jar honey (8 oz.)
* 1 orange (thick skinned)
* 1 tsp. cinnamon
* 1/2 tsp. ground cloves
Wash raisins and figs and dry overnight. Chop nuts. Grind raisins, figs, and orange (skin and all) together. After grinding, add all other ingredients and mix well! Take a piece of dough the size of a golf ball, and roll it around. Flatten and fill with 1 tablespoonful of the mixture. Fold over and shape like a crescent. Put seam side down and make a couple of slits in each side. Place on cookie sheet 1-1/2" apart. Bake at 400 degrees, 7 minutes on the middle shelf and 6 minutes on the top shelf for a total of 13 minutes.
There are as many sfinge recipes as there are/were/will be Sicilians. This is one of my favourites. ~Rue
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